What should an NT literary journal look like? … have your say & win a $50 book voucher!

As part of our research to assess the feasibility of a Northern Territory literary journal, we want to know what the Territory community thinks:
- What should an NT literary journal look like?
- What kind of content would you like to see in a Territory journal?
- What form should the journal take?
We want your ideas, so why not take five minutes to fill out our anonymous survey?

Thanks to Red Kangaroo Books in Alice Springs, everyone who completes our survey will go into the draw to win a $50 Red Kangaroos Books voucher. To be eligible to go into the draw to win a $50 book voucher, please be sure to enter your email address at the end of the survey. Just follow the link:
We would also like to thank True North Communications for their help in putting the survey together.
Categories: Phase 1
Tagged: nt literary journal, redkangaroobooks, survey, win